Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

mysterious figure · 5mo

any boundaries that maybe you havent said because you think nobody will respect them / their silly? if not, say ur boundaries in general!!

ill just say my general boundaries cause ive never seen my boundaries as silly

refrain from SA topics, if you want to talk about it, ask me if it's okay to bring up, or spoil and tag it accordingly and ill look when i know ill be fine looking at it (and this goes for majority of controversial topics ngl like abuse and stuff of the likes, clarification is important guys)
don't mock or make fun of my interests
don't use /hj or /lh on me in a serious manner it's annoying as hell
if you're mad, don't interact with me, it can be triggering for me, if i contact u while ur in that mood, let me know so we can talk later

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