Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous · 2mo

when i was young, my family moved around a lot, and my older sister never liked it . her bedroom was always dull, and so she would make it her own by hanging paper cranes from the ceiling, decorating furniture like her paper bin by painting golfballs like eyes, gluing them on and painting it to look like a little monster - she had a way of making magic out of our dingy rental houses . i always admired her for it, but i think my mind was too busy with little nightmares at the time to pick up the same habit . she's moved out now, and my family doesn't exactly have all our old coloured paper and crafts supplies they accumulated from having 4 kids lying around anymore, so it's hard to know where to start . but i've seen you tamper with this sort of business, and i feel like you'd be more cordial and understanding about this than my dear sister would be , so i wanted to ask - how can i fill space with my own junk like that? to make it "my own" is maybe something i look inwards for, but on a more grounded level - where should i seek material inspiration, besides the dollar store?

i think the big key is that with thumb tacks and ticky tack you can put almost anything on your wall and the more you put the better it is! find an interesting material, cloth, etc and put it up! lights, shelves, mirrors, drawings (even "bad" ones)!

i have a bad emotional permanence sometimes. at first i put many things up because i wanted something that would somehow "anchor" and reminid me of some emotional experience i had. this caused me to have more connection to my own life! honestly- just start by looking for anything you can think of a way to attach to your wall or ceiling

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