Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Kate Matsuda · 10 answers · 9mo

Friend of mine lost her pet ferret to cancer. She is devastated. I can relate. Why do her online followers hate her now? Why do they cover her with hate, spite and malicious glee?

If she has a lot of followers, sometimes it happens. People pretend they know a lot about a pet by googling. I have two parrots and boy how many times I got those hate just because my parrot chose to bathe in her water bowl instead of a plate. And don't even talk about the cage size, the pet lovers would say it's a torture, i fit in closet but i won't live in one... well I live in Japan, my apartment is a closet size. So... about your friend, I'm so sorry her ferret died, i can relate, just don't listen to those online haters, they know nothing about our lives, and most of them are little teenagers who knows nothing about life(at least my haters are).

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