Anonymous Coward · 2y

hello!! i hope every thing is okay….. i havent seen u post in awhile!!

Hello! Ngl I was honestly surprised to find this in my inbox :') I really appreciate the check up haha,
But I’m fine don’t worry, I won’t divulge too much but ig in short a lot of personal things happened to me for the past few months and it left me quite a huge mess. My relationship with my art and this account wasn't really helping the situation, so I decided to post less but ended up not posting at all 🧍‍♂️ as I focused on other aspects of my life that I've neglected;; It took a lot of time and still not finish (rip) which at that point I realized im probably bad at estimating these things but I’m doing much better now than a month ago and the one before that (which is what counts!!!) and kinda looking forward to posting again!
Also this is just a silly account but I also wanted to better myself and improve on some stuff before approaching this account again. In any case I didn't deactivate because I still wanted to open a way for people to contact me for any reason but honestly did not expect this hehe so ty!

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