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Anonymous Coward · 1y

where did the inspiration for the title “Trapped by Withering Laurels” come from? and what made you want to write a skk medic au!

there is this beloved poem of mine by Kahlil Gibran called "Defeat" ( ) so i took a line from there.

There was like 10 other lines i wanted to use but "withering laurels" referred as:
1. Stuck in past achievements
2. Struggling with unfulfilled expectations
3. Feeling confined by reputation
i'd say its pretty much fitting for the boys :)))

as for what made me inspired.. hmm my childhood dream was to be a paramedic and i admire them a lot so it was only a matter of time before i put chuuya into my other obsession hehe. there is also this one polish serial about paramedics with like 500 episodes atp that i love.
thank you anon, those were such nice questions

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