Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 1y

omg ignore that last question i just saw it on twitter thread MB….

if this is about TBWL fic. Well I did write tiny pieces here and there but I'm not really great at it.
I'd love to see a full fic based on that written by a writer, but that we will have to see in the future. Maybe someone will love it to the point of picking it up themselves :DD

BUT !!!! I actually asked my friend to help me write those tiny pieces in the future and they agreed to help so we might get some scenes beautifully written (im not telling you guys the name yet since i dont want to pressure them in case they change their mind, but if they want to come out and confirm I'll be glad to promote them to heaven and back in this matter! THEY ARE AMAZING AND WE ARE IN FOR A TREAT EVEN BIGGER THAN MY ART!!!!)

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