Kappi can u yap abt elysion or pyriph

pyriph region is getting its ass beat by eklipsian apocalypse (which were caused due to a train accident that was carrying resources. Included funny substances) but not everyones documented to be missing/dead unlike kokytos, Cuz they all be chillin in the border between pyriph and acheron. The reason why acheron doesn’t take them in despite having one of the lowest population ever (even in comparison to pyriph in its current state) Because they have their own issues at hand and well. It’s also driven by Fear. pyriph was still actually a fairly snowy region even before the apocalypse (though snowstorms devastate it now) because of their technology lol, they barely felt the cold. And uhh… Their sky is fake, BTW, artificial and allat Have i ever mentioned that 😂 it’s a bit complicated to explain it though, But this means that their sky appears different than it outside. Made even more possible with our lovely anomaly: the axial rift. but dis be why when you enter pyriph the sky’s always an eclipse than the usual day and night cycle, Who knows if its like some kind of manipulation of perception or physically done! Ironically they take pride in their environmental factors because it pretty. Also pyriph really facking loves trains, theres a whole complex network of it underground, but most of it kinda… well… blew up following the apocalypse, which also affected neighbouring regions, notably styx.
I talked too much about elysion my mostly cold desert region where asph (its city) greedily leeches off of the viable resources there that allows them to survive. Btw social status matters on where u live there, west is more rural and east Nom Nom Nom, But that does mean asph IS an isolated area, since it’s surrounded by both unclaimed land and elysions emptyass land or something

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