what does the eden foundation even do

spread their religious beliefs about the scriptersOH HAHA i mean uhh almost functions as elysion’s soft power, IG! if u dont know what that means search it up something something which is why they focus close to bloxxian culture, which is intertwined with the existence of scripters. it is like an institution for bloxxians too lol, since all bloxxians are required to attend… Also being a school… it does function under the government, who are a little.. er… Lets say questionably absent in a way. ESF works with other companies and such though like expulsion corporation in styx, planetfall railway organisation in acheron… Used to be mantle vessel association in kokytos… etc etc. But it is obvious that the foundation HEAVILY adheres to the system. Which. Actually basically most of carinae adheres to this world order but elysion does it like 10x more intensely or something. It’s actually like. a Really fucking large foundation (Thats why i never wanna draw how the foundation building looks like)

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