Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Stars · 1y

I see the picture u posted of j1mmy and k4rl and I’ll take that as a sign to come back. After the seven days in solitary confinement mrb34st said that he forgot how to talk to humans for a bit but the first thing he did was hug k4rl. Anyway after this k4rl took him home got him some food and this 6’3 hunk of a man was so subby and complicit that k4rl told him to just sit on the couch and he would take care of him. K4rl rode him while j1mmy just moaned and begged for more and k4rl just praised him and kissed his neck. And because that man didn’t cum for a whole week he came so hard he blacked out for a bit. Then k4rl gave him aftercare by bathing him and cuddling. They were so cute in that vid :)

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