Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

🦭 · 6mo

I understand that I never been the first to say this and I think it's important to say it now. Kalila, I love you more than word can express. I always wish for you to experience all the beauty, happiness, and goodness life has to offer, because you deserve that

soke, first is nothing and never ever been in my list. though i, i already grateful enough to share opportunity of time, of love with you. it's word more than beating to me {my heart] when i see your name.

and i wish you: always be a thought in my brain to think at every 3 a.m., every honest; every leather touch. always be someone my own heart jealous at. no wonder; no asking for more. always be the name i pray for. your every circumstances is my time to proud of. always be the person i write for. any poem; in my journal; in my draw-book; your silhouette is what i am waiting for. always be the man i wanna see and grow with. to share my youth and give up over anything false. always be a miracle and a reason for me to stay alive; iloveyou.
i'm not just fortune to found you by any chance. more than that: fortune enough to let my blood flowing longer. {♡]

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