Anonymous · 2mo

Are you planning on translating any more novels?

Well, see...I've actually had an in-progress translation of another Rider novel in my drafts for almost two years now 😅 I started it right after I finished the Ex-Aid one, but then things happened and I only managed to get a third of the way into it. It's especially gotten hectic now that I've picked up a whole other IP to translate for, and meanwhile a new Digimon movie has come out and I'm scrambling to get things together for it...

But I really do want to finish it eventually, so maybe if I can sit down, set aside some time between projects, and just hanker down, I can get it done (that's how I had to get through the Caligula novel, since although I enjoyed working on it, it was incredibly emotionally draining to work on). As usual, I'll tell people not to get their hopes up, but it's not like I've forgotten about it entirely.

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