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KCHK 529: The Fundamentals of Kacchako Zine
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Anonymous Coward · 5mo

How close are you to the second stretch goal, do you think it’ll be reached in time? 🥺

Hey! We are currently 13 away from the second stretch goal, so it's totally possible! Keep an eye on our socials for updates on where we're at. We may have some surprises coming in these final days to encourage any procrastinating students to get their bundles~

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hello, I have a question. Will writers receive beta help?

Hey there, thank you for asking. If writers have a beta they prefer to work with, they will be welcome to do so; otherwise, Mods are happy to offer beta help throughout creation. Regardless, the Mods will look over the final product before it goes to print and make note of changes should there be any.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hi is this zine going to be a physical product? And will there be merch? Thanks!!!

Hi! Absolutely YES, we are planning for our zine to be a physical print and will be offering physical merch to go along with it.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

How long will the actual zine fics be? Any approximate word count?

Hello there, sorry for the delay in answering! At this time, we don't have a concrete max word count, but we are gearing this zine to be more story-heavy. We can say that our final WC will range somewhere within 4,000-5,000. Thank you for the question!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

I have a somewhat stupid question and hope you guys understand!
I just want to know for my understanding if ALL submissions have to be from the college AU, or if it's enough that only one is out of it and the other two can be from the original, or somewhere else. Because of the length, you can't always tell right away.
I'm sorry if I misunderstood or something.

Thank you for asking, this isn't a stupid question! <3 We don't require any samples to be set in a college AU setting, our only requirements as far as setting is that at least ONE sample is set in the BNHA universe. You can find the full run down of requirements for Writers, Artists, and Merch Artists on our Carrd FAQ page:

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Does the Google Folder for writer application need to include the full works on separate docs or is a document linking to where they're posted enough?

Hello hello, that's a great question! The google folder needs to include separate docs for each sample with the sample on that doc, not a link to it's posted location. If you are submitting an excerpt for one of your samples, we do require you to include a link inside the doc to the full piece and provide context, but the sample itself should be in the doc. We also ask that you include applicable tags and content warnings in the doc with your sample! Hope this helps <3

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hi! Just wondering if we're applying for both the NSFW and SFW sections, is it a requirement to include works in both those categories? (Probably a dumb question lol sorry 😂)

Hi there! There's no such thing as dumb questions, so don't sweat it. We do not require you to submit any NSFW pieces even if you are applying for the NSFW add-on. We do require at least one piece you submit to be SFW, but outside of that, it's up to you and what work you think showcases your style best!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Will spot art be accompanying the fanfictions in the zine?

Hello! Yes, spot art will be accompanying the fanfictions in the zine. From our artist applications: Spot artists will be required to work with up to two (2) writers and draw 2-3 spot art for each writing piece (total of 4-6 spots).

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Will the card be updated with a new schedule for when apps will open?

Yes! We're sorry for missing this question—the application forms are now live! You can find them on our Carrd, Twitter, or Bluesky.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

i forgot to add this to my IC, but i think coasters or a canvas cup sleeve for hot take out drinks would be cool too!

Hey! You're so right, those would be awesome items to go with our zine. We'll note it down to see if we can make it happen, thank you for reaching out!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hello! My first question is about the pieces that are linked. Would it be an "advantage" to send in several pieces? And is it perhaps even a requirement that you have written more than one piece?

Do I come up with something new for the zine? Or will things be taken that are already "in the public domain"?

Hi there! It is always the best option to submit more than one piece with your application, but it is not required to apply. However, we do require your piece or one of your pieces be Kacchako-centric so if your piece doesn’t meet that criteria, you would have to submit at least one additional piece.

We don't require you create new pieces to apply, you’re welcome to pull from your existing works if you like them, think they showcase you best, and fit within our criteria.

For the zine itself if you are accepted, you will be creating an entirely unique piece that fits within the zine theme.

We hope this helps clear things up!

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