anon · 1y

Do you have any random 3rd year Seiran trio/khhs headcanons?

3rd year seiran started in blue glitter/growth so id count that as the canon current time tbh,, so uhhh kinda just normal headcanons that i just havent mentioned as much i guess?

-koharu demi-ace actually
-hisame is kindof. culturally catholic. not in the "my family is very religious and i am also very religious" way but in the "as a kid i did choir in church so i get the vibes and know more abt catholicism than the average japanese". actually i did make a passing mention of it during the hisame hours of This Longing im still surprised nobody questioned catholic hisame. ig we all agree girlie has dredges of catholic guilt lol <3
-suzu keeps getting taller somehow. she's gone thru several uniforms actually in her three years of seiran over the combination of "i need bigger clothes" and "i may or may not have been mildly set on fire + other shenanigans"

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