anon · 1y

hi just wanna say I think you're cool. Not only you responsed to my (and others) silly questions w/ such seriousness and details that it makes me slightly insane in the next couple hrs but your writing (both fanfic and the lil bird seeds you threw out on your tl) is so on point that I'm honestly dont know which random thing popped up in my mind is Actual, Canonical Seiran lore and which one is just your brain juice influenced me
side note but where would khr and suzu sit on the functional-disaster lesbian s

mister bushimo tells me himself so every seiran thing i say is actual canonical seiran lore for realsies. wahhee :)

okay kidding aside thats so sweet of u to say thank you :D

for your question id say koharu and suzu are actually both p functional? its just theyre also stupit at the same time, in different flavors. suzu generally lacks shame and is very open about her affection and has no issue with flirting with her pretty friends (see: the amount of gay shit she puts hisame through). but, again, stupit (affectionate) so we also have her pulling the insane I WANT TO DRESS AS YOU FOR HALLOWEEN  kabedon she pulled on mahiru for her catfishing plans.  note too tho that we then see her wearing her crush's uniform afterwards with no issues so, ykno, competency in being a lesbian teen but u cannot ask her to do the taxes.

koharu on the otherhand is mega-repressed with the unfortunate neurodivergent combination of being bad at registering emotions (and sees the world through her brain's filter in the first place) and thus will never flirt for funsies lest she explodes. but shes also brutally honest from the start and has gotten much better at being open about her feelings (which are really pure lets be real holy shit this girl has the same degree of idealism as aijo karen does did you notice) so she's now less likely to explode and is truly just out there saying shit like "i like your voice" "your singing is beautiful" and "i care about you so i would eat poison if you asked"

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