Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 1y

I just found out what the French is in wild screen baroque and it reminded me of Love Cobra. Copium

took me a moment to remember what The French was bc i first registered it to be the etymology of 'widescreen baroque' but lmao yeah

girlie was out there removing claudine's song from her Narration of revue starlight (unreliable), tells claudine that she talks too much for asking the very reasonable question, "what are you guys talking about," doing a flex of revealing shes learned FRENCH and she learned it BACKWARDS because she means the song to be a curse ー nana was soooooo pissed off at claudine and for WHAT!!!!!

like, honestly, nana's arcebic treatment of claudine is kinda jarring to look at bc shes meaner to claudine longer than she had that blast of active unhingeness at junna (while being nice to karen in such a weird way (compliment)) BUT MOST ESPECIALLY. because claudine doesnt really bother with it. claudine figured out the message and simply went Oh. Okay. so, truly, it hilariously reads like claudine looked at nana being weird and said That Sounds Like A You Problem and continued on with her gay life <3

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