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Anonymous Coward · 3y

Favorite 'classic' fantasy ancestry? (Human, dwarf, orc, elf, goblin, etc.)

I've grown on elves a lot. I love when they're presented as alien weirdos - think the eladrin in D&D 4e, or the elves in the second Hellboy movie - and it makes my heart sing that they're literally from another planet in Pathfinder. PF2 doing such a good job of characterizing the various elven ethnicities has also made me warm up to them further; the three Mualijae nations are each distinct and so much more than most do with "African elves," while I'm dying to read more about both the Vourinoi and the Spiresworn.

I consumed a ton of Drizzt books as a kid, too. Bless Spire and Heart for doing so much to rehabilitate drow.

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