Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

love’s aftermath · 3mo

hi nona, dunno if this retro’s gonna reach you before you log out of your acc, but i wanna thank you for staying this long, giving your best, and never giving up for seunghan. you might not know this, but i teared up seeing lots of your rii7e tweets that you wrote with love reach a big audience. it always amazes me when people with lots of followers use their platform wisely, and that includes you. i know this has all been exhausting for all of us, and i’m glad you chose to prioritize your well-being because, at the end of the day, we have our own responsibilities in real life. ngl, i’m gonna miss you tho. i hope everything gets better and our efforts won’t be in vain.

and lastly, sometimes when i feel exhausted esp lately with all the ruckus happening in briizevile, i like to reread some of riize’s authors’ works (yes, including yours as well). and i wanna recommend you this one, one of my comfort syongnen fics ever. this beautiful writing could help us understand what it feels like loving sungchan through wonbin. i hope this fic wraps you in a warm embrace like a blanket in your resting time. see ya when i see ya? i love you, you did well 💖

i am this close to bawl. i never expected to receive a long and heartwarming message like this. :_) i wish i could express how i’m feeling in better words but i’m just very overwhelmed in the best way possible right now after reading your paragraphs. yes, thank you for the recommendation and thank you for letting me know that you give me this because you want to share the warmth that you experienced throughout your reading journey. yes, i wanna know how it feels like loving sungchan through wonbin’s lens. thank you for telling me that i did well. you’ve been doing exceptionally great and i wish i could tell you this in person. have a good rest, kindhearted. :)♥️

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