Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hi! I apologize for if what I’m about to ask is insensitive or rude, English isn’t my first language and I’m just having a lot of trouble telling the tone of your tweets about the r6s prime skin and the artist of it. I can’t quite tell if you mean they’ve done something wrong of you just get a bad feel from them? I apologize again, I just currently follow this artist and wouldn’t want to be following and supporting their art if they’ve done something bad

My tone regarding that person is what it is cause I dislike them due to bad history between us. I won't disclose more than that to an anon, sorry. I'll say we are in a mutual block situation and I've done my best to ignore their existance for my peace of mind, but recently seeing their name and art everywhere was pretty triggering for me and it made me feel massively uncomfortable (that's why I took a small break from twitter)

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