pervert · 3d

Megumi having his sh scars discovered by the worst person alive : sukuna

even better, fresh cuts. sukuna is ripping megumis clothes off while he kicks and screams, begging him to stop and to let go of him but his cries go ignored until sukunas hands feel the bumpy skin as he roughly drags his hands down megumis thighs.

megumi didn’t know what he expected sukuna to say or do, but he didn’t expect sukuna to dig his fingers in and scratch the scabs off just to watch the blood cry out down his legs. and he REALLY didn’t expect sukuna to reach into his own back pocket and pull out a pocket knife, dull and ragged from use. sukuna flicks the knife open and shoves it into megumis hands. “keep going, then.”

he makes that boy cut himself open with that dull knife while he winces and bites the inside of his cheek until megumi tastes the blood he’s seeing. all while sukunas got a hand around his dick.

but megumi figures this was better than rape.

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