pervert · 3d

Aight but off that self mutilation but
Megumi figures that's better than rape but what if sukuna rapes him afterwards anyways
Like he finishes jerking himself off and megumi's like thank god it's over. And sukuna just laughs. You thought that was enough to satisfy me?
He holds him down licks and bites at his new wounds, rubs his dick in em, fingers the blood into megumi's cunt before he fucks him
Wow sorry that's a lot for me why am I so depraved at work

and he absolutely would. he jerks off onto the wounds, cum mixing with blood as he swipes his fingers across the stinging, burning wounds and shoves his dirty fingers into Megumi’s mouth. he’s just pressing down on megumis tongue, salt and iron filling his mouth just before yanking megumis thighs up to slip into his cunt. despite megumi crying and sobbing and begging, he is so fucking wet

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