anon 🩷 · 21d

ze🌹 will quick call rik straight when he adds girl in something but now when he’s obsessed with #that qot quote suddenly nobody is talking about r1yangis are so homophobic they are so scared of him being gay/bi so they hide many moments/things the said and call him a fuckboy even when his doing nothing jbol if that was any other member especially * and * everyone would be screaming everyday about that

anon i'm sorry for the late answer but i agree w you 🥴 this is why im not so active on riyangitwt anymore... a lot of ppl have this strange and distorted image of him... unfortunately his subf is filled w gf stans (who are also homophobics bcs the way they talk abt some things and hide others is Not normal 😭). and about the weird way ze🌹 act w rik... they're a lost cause, really

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