Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Kitty · 7mo

Hello, Gee. Your tweet just passed by and I accidentally stalking you. It's weird to confess something like you are so pretty attractive? I hope you don't mind it. We're not mutual.. i want to randomly follow you but I am afraid you'll see me as a creep.

Hi there, you! Whoever you are. I’m apologizing for my tardiness but thank you for stopped by and your kind words, too. Well—honestly, I don’t know really know how to give a proper response over this one but, as long as it was harmless.. I’ll take it as one of the kindness. Thank you, really. If it ever crossed your mind to being friends with me, please don’t hesitate to come around! I’ll always welcome and love to befriend with a lot of new people. Hope it helps! :)

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