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Anonymous Coward · 8mo

are yall even chappell fans cuz her whole thing is being a loud manhating lesbian, i promise the lesbian longtime chappell fans going "ew men" are embodying chappell's intended message far more than all this waffling abt respecting cishets in public spaces or whateva yall r upset abt

this is from 2 months ago but i just saw it now anyways no i wouldnt consider myself a chappell fan but if her “whole thing” is being a manhating lesbian good for her ive never seen her say she hates men from my perspective her lesbianism has always been about women and loving them and nothing to do with how she feels about men. never seen her say she hates men but if she does, i love that for her so do i. all i said is you dont have to relate to music to enjoy it so i dont see why cishet men cant go to a chappell concert unless she explicitly didnt want that. i think youre just parasocial about her. i was never talking abt chappell fans saying “ew men” the only thing ive mentioned in regards to this is someone saying women cant bring their cishet boyfriends to chappell roan concerts and i asked yall where she told us that 🤷 i am not upset abt anything i will never be at a chappell roan concert probably no hate to her she makes wonderful music just not my go-to. im not trying to embody chappell’s “intended message” or whatever delusion you have cooked up on behalf of her im actually sharing my own thoughts and opinions anyways yap session over i love talking and overexplaining 🫶🫶🫶

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