Muggles Ā· 2d

eh bjir aku lihat di timeline yg nanyain km cowo ap cewe. aku juga jadi penasarannn soalnya ternyata kamu ujang jg. aku naksir soalnya, tp kalo kamu cewe irl kan aku jadi gabisa naksir, masa lesbi.

Hello dear sender, for your question, I'll answer one by one ya? Iā€™m literally whatever you perceive me as. A genderfluid, if I may state. Second, thank you for your statement and confession, I appreciate your courage to do so. For I already have a girlfriend of two years and countingā€”thank you for the confession nonethelessā€”would it break your heart if Iā€™d ask you to step back...? Though, I appreciated it, still. Just so you know, if you are happen to be one of my friends on both accounts, my door to friendship will always be open for you to build an acquaintance. No worries. And third, why so? You can like a woman without being a lesbian. Sender, I am made for the girls, too, you know? So take this as how do you want it. You've took a brave shot there. Have a nice day!

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