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Lost Bunny · 2mo
Lost Bunny · 2mo

genuine question, hope it doesn't come across as rude, but how do you pronounce your name (aiva)? is it like eigh-vuh (eigh read like 8) or like eye-vuh? or neither?

Lost Bunny · 2mo

ummmmmmmmm saw drabble abt idol aven & prof ratio. would ratio be the type of bf who buys all of aven's merch and goes to every concert or is he normal?

Lost Bunny · 2mo

Do you have some ratiorine family au hcs?

I DO, they had twins 3 times in a row, which means 6 children: 3 girls and 3 boys 🥰 i actually already drafted one of the twins design with their names, but i still need to figure out the other twins' details... i also hc that rtrn are VERY protective over their firstborns as new parents, but grew chill along the way. and also contrary to expectations, you'd think churin is the spoiling parent and veritas is the strict father, but not when it comes to their little family! churin can be a strict mama and veritas is the one who spoils their children rotten 😂

anyway sorry for the very late reply, life had been so hectic for me 😭😭

Lost Bunny · 2mo

you and claire are so cute, stop being gay on my tl/j

Lost Bunny · 2mo

I don't think I can comment on twt bc priv acc, but this is most likely the first picture from the hole pic convo of raturine


Lost Bunny · 2mo


Lost Bunny · 2mo

I might've submitted this before, but I like the idea that Ratio's birthday is on January 13th since it's National Rubber Ducky day and he seems (to me) like someone born in the winter or at least not summer

WAIT THAT'S ACTUALLY GENIUS, and honestly you read my mind, because i definitely see him as a january baby, just not a specific date 😩 i can't quite explain it but he just gives that vibes!! probably because the characters that i liked before that all act as a pipeline beforehand were born in december - january. so there's that~

Lost Bunny · 2mo

If you don't think about it, Dr. Ratio is kind of like Cornelius Robinson from hit movie Meet The Robinsons

... to be honest i haven't watched that movie at all so unfortunately i have no knowledge to draw a comparison between the two 😭😭

mimi · 2mo

want a rubber ducky?

Lost Bunny · 3mo

Are you going to continue writing the A/B/O threadfic? The one where Ratio changes his secondary gender

I will! I just haven't had the time as I thought I'd have lately since it's Eid Mubarak season (imagine it's like Christmas but instead of 1 day, it goes on for a few weeks, and we go around visiting relatives' houses just as people would visit ours too :'D)

Lost Bunny · 3mo

What do you think would have happened if Sunday inquired about Ratio's supposed hate towards Aventurine with the Harmony's curse?

Lost Bunny · 3mo

idk if the question makes sense, but like, what soulmate au would suit them best? bc there's the red string, can't see colours, can only see the soulmate's eye colour, etc. also, if it's the only see the soulmate's eye colour, would it be magneta/blue for ratio and red/yellow for aventurine?

Lost Bunny · 3mo

Please think about Dr. Ratio comforting Aventurine during the nights Churin is having trouble with nightmares. Hope you feel better soon, Kitsu. Love seeing your Ratiorine thoughts 🫂.

🥺🥺 he comforts him by pulling him into his arms, hand rubbing on churin's back and going all "shhh, i got you. i'm here for you."— most times, it works, but on days when churin needs extra care, ratio would prepare him some calming drinks! and showers him in kisses too. such a caring supportive husband, i'm so jealous and happy for you churin... 😭 also thank you! i feel okay now. im happy to hear that people enjoy my rtrn brainrot thoughts 🥺💖

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