Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 3mo

I hope you will give me another chance from my past abuses. I worded that vaguely, so to clarify:

-You weren't a direct victim of my abuse AFAIK, as you never seemed to express disgust about me.
-My abuses weren't things like grooming minors or rape. I was just rly toxic to fellow anti-c paras. Let's suggest, for instance, that one of my abuses could've been bigotry. That's bad, of course, but it won't ruin a victim's life UNLESS a serious hate crime was committed because of it. Corrective rape against trans people, for example, would be a hate crime. Using slurs would just be a dick move, but if someone was reeducated and apologized, they might not get their victim back, but they could make other trans friends. Compared to my case, I don't remember if transphobia was involved, but I'd say what I did was redeemable, and I HAVE been reeducated since then, at least about one or more issues since then. IDK if begging to be given one more chance by people is the ultimatum of addressing these issues, but anti-c para twt is really small and shaken by drama, so I want to TRY and be a good person. Maybe educate others in a constructive way, and I'm in college now unlike then, trying to become a medical professional.

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