Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 6mo

i once wrote in the writing entry you hosted, back in May. idk why I'm writing this, but when I wrote, it let out something unresolved in me, and fate has its own way. I wrote for someone, a friend precisely, who no longer in my life, for years, almost 10 in fact. But two days ago, I met him, with a tinge of missing him, no anger, just, idk how to describe that feels. We avoided each other, of course. But for me, I was, impressed? no. I was amused at how, I ended up meeting him again just after I decided to write about him and published it to the strangers to see. Life is indeed, a box full of chocolate, no?

you know, my mother used to say this a lot: “you’ll never know how the universe works until you try to understand yourself first” and I guess that’s what could happen when we let out everything within us, to crawl back and get a grip for our unspoken messages we couldn’t convey properly. indeed, life is like a box of chocolate. so many surprises, so many hidden complexities hidden deep inside. but, I hope you’re already embracing what it feels to let go, ya! and so, you can continually moving forward without him anymore. I’m glad you’ve reached me out! please keep writing. <3

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