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KAKAAK HEESUN MANTANAN BAGUSBGTHUHUHU td aku baca twit kaka nanya saran next SUNKI MANTANAN PLEASE tp balikan (yg ril2 ajah) in the saddest prettiest way possible please😞😞😞 mereka sgt balikan dan aku msh gapercaya
iko i miss you so much... hope you're doing well out there, that's all i want from u ^^
AAAA i miss everyone as well :3 i am doing extremely great these days btw!!! i recently got accepted in my dream job and at my dream place SOO .. i think i’m gonna take some time to adjust to my new work :3c hope everyone can wait for me sebentaaaar sajaaa yaaah i promise i’ll come back even better with my stories!! ⭐️ in the mean time please take care of yourself well and always, always, be happy! i love yewww all 🤍
ih kak u dont know how BEAUTIFUL your writing is sumpah cantik banget AKU NANGIS. LUCU BGT, ITS SO SOFT AND DELICATE AND PRECIOUS indah bgt GABOONG pls jangan berhenti nulis the way u do rn karena it makes me soooo happy like im actually apart of the writing :(((( ALSO BIG CONGRATS TO OUT FLORIST N ROCKSTAR YAAAAYYYY!!!! such a beautiful couple ☹️☹️
HEEEY THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS 🥹 of course i will keep on writing!!! aku harus menulis untuk menuangkan segala rasa sayangku UNTUK DEDE.. 🥹 thank you thank you so much for saying this HUHUHU AKU SENANG BANGET BACANYAAAA!!! i hope you like my writings always yesss :P REAAALL CONGRATS TO ROCKSTAR FLORIST!! mereka akan selamanya cinta-cintaan AMIN!
kaka aiko..... aku baru saja selesai baca update terbaru rockstar bf florist bf, sebelumnya mau bilangg sekali lagii kl tulisan kak aiko ga pernah gagal!! 🥹🥹 dan aku jg gatau kenapa emo banget (mungkin efek pms..) tapi aku sedih bgt bacanya tau kak hehe...
speetinya ini bakal panjang bgt.... do you believe true love exist in real world kak??? sayang yang selalu konstan mau apapun situasi dan keadaannya, yang selalu ada... a love where we embrace each other's pasts and mistakes. Cinta yang terima dan lengkapin kekurangan masing-masing, saling menguatkan dan menyemangati untuk jadi versi terbaik dan yang selalu diinginkan...
kak sometimes i thought, i don't think i deserve that kind of love..... i never feel a love that deep and im not sure i would ever feel or experience that ☹️☹️ i don't think i have something to offer gitu kak... sayangnya dr apa yang aku liat, cinta tanpa syarat itu susah carinya :( dan aku suka ngerasa kl aku gak punya apa-apa untuk diberi.... i always wonder, can i experience love like everyone else? apa yang orang liat dari aku.. honestly i don't even see it.. something that make me stand out from anybody else ://
long story short hehe, aku nangis banyak dan masih berkaca-kaca kl diinget lagi..... kaka aiko terima kasih banyak udah bikin cerita yang penuh sama cinta ini ❤️❤️ i hope you feel and experience true love, the same ones dengan yang kakak tulis <3 have a great week ya kakkk, your account give me happiness di tengah-tengah kesibukan kuliah 🫶🏻
haloo sayaang, terima kasih banyaak yaaa 🥹 hweh.. semoga emotionalnya fueled by love yaa.. 😞 hmmm, and to answer your question, i do believe true love exists—in whatever form. whether it is romantical, or it is platonical, or it is the kind of love that you have for yourself. but since we're talking about romantical love, i would say yes, it does exist. mungkin terasa sangat amat aneh ya, kayak langka banget gak sih? kasih sayang yang tidak mengenal syarat. kasih sayang yang selalu ada dan selalu mengerti. cuman aku tetap percaya kok bagaimanapun itu caranya, love will always find you.
and of course, sayang, love will eventually find you as well. akuuu sedih banget bacanya hey.. i wish i could convince you with these worlds alongside with my warmest hug.. of course, of course, you deserves EVERY kind of love. kamu berhak dan pantas untuk dicintai karena diri kamu sendiri—apa adanya, tanpa syaratnya. aku tau mungkin sekarang kayak JAUUUUUH banget kamu sampai ke tahap itu, cuman percaya deh: love finds you when youre least expecting it; therefore, baby steps saja ya, pelan-pelan. mulai tanamkan cinta di dalam diri kamu, dan aku yakin, nanti cintanya akan tumbuh menjadi bunga yang cantik dan insan paling beruntung sedunia akan segera memetik dan mencium aroma indahnya. <3
youre very welcome sayang. terima kasih banyak juga yaa sudah menyukai dan membaca karyakuuu. i am hoping the same as well dan aku harap kamu juga merasakan kasih sayang yang sebegitu besarnya! have a great night sayangku <3 UHU finally update my little rockstar akuhh (first of all please, please tell me this isn't the last update for them, right? Abisnya kamu di akhir bilang "awal sampai akhir", akhir apa nih 🥺 bcs I'm still gonna wait for that pvt you promised aikooo huhu no matter how long 😭). I've said it before that, you just get them. Them as in jeiwon, like you just understand how to write them so beautifully but at the same time aku ngerasa emang dynamics mereka juga sweet banget 😭
I actually reread the whole series biar dapet feeling nya ehehe, selalu suka karena mereka sweet but hot but lovingly like, one thing I like from you is no matter how hot or dirty you write about them (reminds me with ian nyanya juga), selalu berasa nya penuh cinta aja gitu, jadi cocok di aku 🤣 also I previously said that to me, nulis jaywon dengan dynamics jei yang di spoil atau uwon yang di spoil, it makes sense either way karena emang mereka berdua irl nya saling manjain. Jadi liat di series ini mereka juga nge baby in satu sama lain tuh, ya emang berasa banget karena emang gituh 😤
Apalagi soal uwon yang sangat supportive dan selalu showers his rockstar jongseong with praises kayak kena banget with how the real won himself revealed that his hyung loves to be praised and we know won is like jay's praise bot (despite he said he doesn't praise jay too often bcs it would feel less special, but still, yang kita tau aja buanyak banget). Jadi emang supportive dynamics sangat membuatku kayak ughh 😤
(also btw just remembered the kitty from himawari petals is named elio... Uh apakah dedek elio nya theo adalah reinkarnasi kitty elio, jadi jodoh dari pacar babu nya di himawari 🤔😭❤️)
But anyway I really love how you write this update uhuh jaywon penuh cinta dan bahagia bersama itu emang satu satu nya genre paling cocok 😤 karena emang saling se-mencinta itu 😤 the way you wrote jay's announcement post just moved me so much, your beautiful words always move me 😭 like how to be loved like that, to be love and to be in love 🥺
Omg enough rambling but always thankful and grateful for your jaywon au because I always love it dan somehow bikin aku makin sayang sama duo meng ini, makasih ya aiko, makasih banget 🤗
HIIIIII tidak kokkkk this wouldnt be the last of them yaaah <3 AHHH thank you so much again for always saying these sweet words to me, betul-betul dopamine untuk aku! aku juga sebelum ngedraft pasti REREAD DULU AHAHAH supaya dapat feelnya lagiii!! <3 betul.. menulis rockstar florist came so naturally to me karena akuu tinggal ngebayangin jaywon aja dan dynamic mereka. terus hasilnya gitu deh, secara effortlessly menyayangi da menjaga dan spoiling each other like there is no tomorrow. betul-betul hubungan yang seimbang. mereka juga saling support satu sama lain dan become each other's biggest fan jadi aku kayak!! hweh.. super sedih.. thank you for noticing and pointing this out ya sayang love that youre always SUPER OBSERVANT with my writings :P
AAAA GEMAS ADA YANG INGAT ELIOOO.. kalau elio reikarnasinya lio kayaknya dia akan lebih BAHAGIA DEH WKEJWK.. thank you very much yaaa, i really love writing this one update as well 🥺 and the announcement.. ah, after aku tulis itu aku beneran kayak mau NANGIS sendiri soalnya its that sweet—that sincere. and i imagine that coming from someone as loving as jay as well :")
i love reading your rambling babeeee AHAHAH thank you so much yaaaa! aku juga sangat amat sayang dengan duo meng iniiii <3
HUAAA KAKAK TERIMAKASIH SUDAH UPDATE ROCSTAR COUPLE UNYU IMUT ITU 😭😭😭 sedih senang tapi banyak SENANGNYA akhirnya org tua ku diketahui semua manusia arghhhhhh udh saatnya menjadi couple of the year 😔🫵❤️
kak ai, perhaps the reason why i believe in love is because the way you love.
how to attract kak aiko: pspspspspsp
kak aiko, thank you so much for making rockstar bf x florist bf yang sangat sweet dan menggemaskan 🥹 aku beneran seneng banget dulu nemu akun kakak dari au ini!! and i wanna say that i hope that you receive many love as how you spread love by your writing bcs you totally deserve it! terharu ngeliat gimana mereka beneran kayak #mencintai satu sama lain terus jadi kepikiran kok kakak BISA SIIH bikin cerita seperti ini huhu 😭😭 btw berarti untuk series ini udah selesai kah kak, atau gimana? :(
sama-sama sayaaang :3c aku seneng juga akunku ditemuin sama kamu :P huhuh thank youu so much for saying thaaat!!! i hope you receive many many love as well ya sayaaang.. AHSJASAH JUJUR aku membayangkan jaywon irl sihh... jadi kayak.. BISA membuat cinta yang sebanyak ini.. wong udah ada contohnya :P beluuum kok aku masiihh jadiin seriess dan bisa aku update lagiiiii kapan-kapaaan beserta side pairnyaa <3
Kaaaa pls pls pls nanti tolong buatkan after gopub nya merekaaa 🎸💐
really wanted to read rockstar bf x florist bf but its was in a different language 💔💔
KK AIKO!!! terima kasih sudah update florist bf x rockstar bf 🥹 aku siap melindungi jungwon dari siapapun yang siap menjahati my baby, lagipula satu dunia harus tau betapa indahnya cinta mereka huhuhu :3 uhm kk aiko… apakah aku gadir jika sesekali meminta few tweets yunki from florist rockstar bf universe? (they’re so CUTE) T___T
kakaaak kenapa writings kamu gemes dan full of love gitu yaahh🥹 rockstar bf x florist bf itu series au karya kak aiko yang paling aku ikutin, karena dari awal bacanya udah penuh cinta aaaaa KENAPA SIIHH😭 thank you for creating such a masterpiece!!! gemes gemes gemes, sukaaa bangeeet sama tulisannya huwaaa typings dari karakter-karakternya dapet banget feelnya KOK BISA YAAAHHH😖 SUPER DUPER IN LOVE!!! 💗💗💗
YAAAY makasih banyaaak ya sayaaang 🥹 memang mereka sangat amat endearing soalnya isinya saling sayang aja 24/7 (GOALS!) thank you very much for reading them as well ya ARGHHH i love LOVE writing them because i get the HAPPINESS AS WELLL.. maaci banyak IHHHHH aku emang sesuaiin sama mereka di RL jugaaa jadi mungkin bisa NYAMPE dan NGENA sedikiiiiit :P makaci banyak ya sayaaang!!!
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