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feed these hunger!


my little paw-friend · 4mo

KAKAAK HEESUN MANTANAN BAGUSBGTHUHUHU td aku baca twit kaka nanya saran next SUNKI MANTANAN PLEASE tp balikan (yg ril2 ajah) in the saddest prettiest way possible please😞😞😞 mereka sgt balikan dan aku msh gapercaya

my little paw-friend · 4mo

iko i miss you so much... hope you're doing well out there, that's all i want from u ^^

AAAA i miss everyone as well :3 i am doing extremely great these days btw!!! i recently got accepted in my dream job and at my dream place SOO .. i think i’m gonna take some time to adjust to my new work :3c hope everyone can wait for me sebentaaaar sajaaa yaaah i promise i’ll come back even better with my stories!! ⭐️ in the mean time please take care of yourself well and always, always, be happy! i love yewww all 🤍

my little paw-friend · 4mo

ih kak u dont know how BEAUTIFUL your writing is sumpah cantik banget AKU NANGIS. LUCU BGT, ITS SO SOFT AND DELICATE AND PRECIOUS indah bgt GABOONG pls jangan berhenti nulis the way u do rn karena it makes me soooo happy like im actually apart of the writing :(((( ALSO BIG CONGRATS TO OUT FLORIST N ROCKSTAR YAAAAYYYY!!!! such a beautiful couple ☹️☹️

HEEEY THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS 🥹 of course i will keep on writing!!! aku harus menulis untuk menuangkan segala rasa sayangku UNTUK DEDE.. 🥹 thank you thank you so much for saying this HUHUHU AKU SENANG BANGET BACANYAAAA!!! i hope you like my writings always yesss :P REAAALL CONGRATS TO ROCKSTAR FLORIST!! mereka akan selamanya cinta-cintaan AMIN!

my little paw-friend · 4mo
my little paw-friend · 4mo
my little paw-friend · 4mo

HUAAA KAKAK TERIMAKASIH SUDAH UPDATE ROCSTAR COUPLE UNYU IMUT ITU 😭😭😭 sedih senang tapi banyak SENANGNYA akhirnya org tua ku diketahui semua manusia arghhhhhh udh saatnya menjadi couple of the year 😔🫵❤️

SAMA-SAMAAA YAAAAH.. YASSS soon mereka akan diundang ke MET GALA dan seribu satu interview dimana jeng akan super protektif karena pelan-pelan satu dunia ikut jatuh cinta thrpd UWON ❤️

my little paw-friend · 4mo

kak ai, perhaps the reason why i believe in love is because the way you love.

my little paw-friend · 4mo

how to attract kak aiko: pspspspspsp

my little paw-friend · 4mo

kak aiko, thank you so much for making rockstar bf x florist bf yang sangat sweet dan menggemaskan 🥹 aku beneran seneng banget dulu nemu akun kakak dari au ini!! and i wanna say that i hope that you receive many love as how you spread love by your writing bcs you totally deserve it! terharu ngeliat gimana mereka beneran kayak #mencintai satu sama lain terus jadi kepikiran kok kakak BISA SIIH bikin cerita seperti ini huhu 😭😭 btw berarti untuk series ini udah selesai kah kak, atau gimana? :(

sama-sama sayaaang :3c aku seneng juga akunku ditemuin sama kamu :P huhuh thank youu so much for saying thaaat!!! i hope you receive many many love as well ya sayaaang.. AHSJASAH JUJUR aku membayangkan jaywon irl sihh... jadi kayak.. BISA membuat cinta yang sebanyak ini.. wong udah ada contohnya :P beluuum kok aku masiihh jadiin seriess dan bisa aku update lagiiiii kapan-kapaaan beserta side pairnyaa <3

my little paw-friend · 4mo

Kaaaa pls pls pls nanti tolong buatkan after gopub nya merekaaa 🎸💐

my little paw-friend · 4mo

really wanted to read rockstar bf x florist bf but its was in a different language 💔💔

AAAAH i am so sorry for thaaat :"( just lmk on dm if you want the translation ok!!! <3

my little paw-friend · 4mo

kak aku nangis☹️☹️☹️

my little paw-friend · 4mo

KK AIKO!!! terima kasih sudah update florist bf x rockstar bf 🥹 aku siap melindungi jungwon dari siapapun yang siap menjahati my baby, lagipula satu dunia harus tau betapa indahnya cinta mereka huhuhu :3 uhm kk aiko… apakah aku gadir jika sesekali meminta few tweets yunki from florist rockstar bf universe? (they’re so CUTE) T___T

youre very welcome :3 JUJUR AKU JUGA YAAA.. akulah PANGLIMA YANG BERDIRI PALING DEPAN.. jujur aku SEDIH BGT NGETIKNYA ARGHRHGHRHG TIDAK MAUU DEDE DIJAHATINNNNN 😭 HIHIH tidak sama sekali HIHIHHI memang ada rencana mau buat side storynya YUNKIII :P

my little paw-friend · 4mo

kakaaak kenapa writings kamu gemes dan full of love gitu yaahh🥹 rockstar bf x florist bf itu series au karya kak aiko yang paling aku ikutin, karena dari awal bacanya udah penuh cinta aaaaa KENAPA SIIHH😭 thank you for creating such a masterpiece!!! gemes gemes gemes, sukaaa bangeeet sama tulisannya huwaaa typings dari karakter-karakternya dapet banget feelnya KOK BISA YAAAHHH😖 SUPER DUPER IN LOVE!!! 💗💗💗

YAAAY makasih banyaaak ya sayaaang 🥹 memang mereka sangat amat endearing soalnya isinya saling sayang aja 24/7 (GOALS!) thank you very much for reading them as well ya ARGHHH i love LOVE writing them because i get the HAPPINESS AS WELLL.. maaci banyak IHHHHH aku emang sesuaiin sama mereka di RL jugaaa jadi mungkin bisa NYAMPE dan NGENA sedikiiiiit :P makaci banyak ya sayaaang!!!

my little paw-friend · 4mo

Bjiirrrrrr yunki di rockstar x florist au really really caught me off guard💢 (i love it sm)

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