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citizen of earth c · 5mo

Do the violet trolls living underwater have different religious traditions than landdwellers?

sort of! the farther-flung settlements have a tendency to be more socially isolated. some engage in a form of ancestor worship. (ancestors as in distant family, not ancestors as in the sufferer, etc.) those who live their lives mainly underwater understand that their needs are different from the spheres on land, and do not feel particularly beholden toward worshipping in the same way landdwellers do

a lot of modern violet culture is founded in... penitence for the past, but also a sort of pride in their history of building all these underwater societies from scratch. penitence and pride. hard to juggle! their penchant for celebrating the empress' death and the end of alternian reign can be seen as posturing or virtue signaling - we arent like the old violets! we wont try to oppress you! so in that way, there is certainly a reluctance to stray far from landdwelling culture for fear of coming off as "above" them. its been a couple thousand years, but alternia lasted much much longer, and trolls live a loooong time. so this sort of cultural self-consciousness will take a while to shed

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