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i'm in this moacarat shit for life
since you bake, do you happen to know why something like a pound cake would have something crunchy? like some sort of grinded eggshells inside it even though it isn't or what i hope it isn't?
hi!! i think if the texture is like grinded eggshells in some bites, it's probably that 😭 i crack my eggs into a separate deli container to check for any shells but sometimes it happens to me too 😭😭 as for crunchy throughout? hmm. it could be too hot + the sugar
crystallized? it cld be the use of castor sugar or a low fat/water content, it cld be the temperature of the oven or you baked it for too long? or maybe you used ap/bread flour instead of cake? i wldn't be too sure cause idk what happened but maybe you can deduce further based on your experience! ive had my fair share of baking fails before so i hope you can try again and succeed! 🫶
it doesn't take that long this time <3
(i am just the one person who has been sending you cute animals but mostly tigers that reminds me of you <3)
good luck good luck good luck doll <3 you're an amazing person and so clever and talented and hardworking i have complete confidence you'll ace these finals! and even if u don't what the hell anyway! please take care of yourself and make sure you're eating and sleeping as well as you can. when it's over we ball!!!!
whoever you are... thank you So much.... you have no idea what this means to 😭☹️ i got less than 3 hours of sleep last night because my roommate decided to start at fight at 3:30 in the morning and kept me up until 6 am so i'm definitely not feeling good or prepared for my first final exam. thank you for believing in me even if i don't well :( i really do need to take care of myself better 😞💔 i'm counting down the minutes until i'm free from school 🥲
you can do this! you've got thisssss~ <3
i still can't believe tgirl sbn isn't a more popular idea in this fandom like...
cw // bitching
after seeing that crazy sbn waist pic i'm just thinking the worst thoughts of alpha sbn getting bitched by ynkai while they degrade him and say there's no way he could be anything but an omega...sbn moaning the first time he takes a knot bigger than his (from kvi)...ynjn eating him out so good that he squirts...them working tg until this former alpha is the perfect breeding bitch
holy FUCK anon. HOLY FUCK. no cause dubcon bitching where ynkvi just keep planting thoughts of bitching alpha sbn, calling him their pretty omega, running their hands along his waist and hips, whispering in his ear about how pretty he'd look all knocked up with their cum and pups... yjn would 100% pinch sbn's nipples until they're red and swollen, teasing the younger to tears about how perfect his tits would be all full with milk 😵💫 sbn wld be so knot drunk when kvi pushes into him the first time, begging for his maknae to fuck him more and more to the point they don't even have to convince sbn to be bitched, sbn wants it on his own... oh god sbn being filled up with alpha cum over and over again until his new omega scent blooms and all they can smell is potent heat on sbn 😵💫 ugh they're so hot
it's been a while but you could be a snow leopard too i hope? <3
OH MY GODDD i literally love them so much they're so cute and silly and pretty 😭😭😭 they're like white tigers ugh their fur is such a gorgeous color (fun fact: i actually loved albino/white tigers as a kid! i still do, they're my ultimate favorite animal!) their paws are so big and cute and they're just like overgrown house cats SOBS 😞☹️ i love them, ive grown a liking towards them ever since i saw a video in october of snow leopard cubs 😭😭😭 THERE WERE 3 😭😭😭😭 they're so cute seriously like instead of being good at swimming like tigers they're good at climbing and jumping I LOVE THEM ☹️☹️☹️☹️
(also which anon are you? i think i vaguely recognize all your asks but i can't tell if you're the same one i'm thinking about 😞😞 please lmk if you want an emoji or name so i can recognize you!!)
i was reading through this prompt and it hurt me even moreeee because what if this sbn never got treated like an omega by his partners and community...he was just a wallflower or misshapen alpha to them...but to kvi that's his OMEGA
ANON PLEASE OH MY GOD 😭😭😭 you're tearing my heart to shreds.... kvi who /insists/ on spoiling sbn out in public with affection and gifts and court him the proper way. he doesn't care what anyone else thinks, he just wants his omega to feel pampered and loved 😭💔 sbn who has hidden his subgender for years cause no one gets it right anyways and he'd rather not deal with the confused stares and disappointed looks when people find out. but when kvi comes back into his life, he finds himself becoming more confident in his skin, feeling more cherished than ever and that his subgender is not something to be ashamed of 🥹☹️ oh how sbn learns to love being an omega but especially kvi's omega 😭🫶
have you ever thought of omega sbn whose never been allowed to be soft in his relationships and his baby daddy kvi who vows to change that for him bec i have and goddamn the tears are pouring
ANON PLEASE... i was so busy i didn't even check my rs but oh my god. when i saw this prompt load my heart literally BROKE. sbn who's been so focused on supporting his pup and surviving that he doesn't have the time to take care of himself 💔 maybe backstory wld be that he lost contact with hueka after he got pregnant because hueka went abroad and sbn didn't wanna burden him with the news and so he went through his pregnancy and gave birth alone... his baby girl is about 1 and a half when kvi comes back to korea and sbn has no idea how to bring up the fact that they have a whole child. so he doesn't even though it breaks his heart to stay away from kvi :( kvi has a better life ahead of him so he throws himself into his work and taking care of his daughter until one day kvi recognizes him holding sua in public and immediately goes towards them. sbn runs, but he can't avoid the text later asking him to meet up and who the little girl in his arms was. sbn lies about it, saying it's his niece. but kvi already knows because tyn told him when he asked. sbn's heart literally drops to his stomach and he braces himself for the wave of anger, the outburst, the disappointment, the scrutiny. but, kvi just stays neutral and it drives sbn nuts. is he upset? is he angry? is he guilty? sbn has no idea. the only way to find out is to talk to him (which tyn has been encouraging him to do the entire time)
they meet up in a cafe and walk to a park to talk. kvi's still being incredibly detached and neutral and professional about everything and it's throwing sbn off. at this point it feels like it'd be better for kvi to blow up on him completely and be over with it. but the tension keeps rising so sbn's the first one to break asking what kvi wants to know. he says everything so sbn takes a deep breath and tells him what had happened leading up to kvi going abroad and everything that happened before he came back. kvi's still surprisingly blank as sbn explains... until he finishes and kvi asks if he can hug sbn. sbn's hesitant cause he hasn't really. hugged anyone since he's had sua. but he sees a look of warmth flash through kvi's face and decides to take the chance, nodding yes. he doesn't expect for his eyes to start stinging when he's wrapped up in kvi's arms, letting the weight off of his shoulder and sniffing to try and hold his tears back. "it must've been so hard for you sbn-hyung," he murmurs, rubbing his back softly. "i'm here now. i want to stay in your life." and that opens the floodgates for sbn.
they still have a lot to talk about after sbn finishes crying but they go back to sbn's apartment (which sbn apologizes profusely for because of the mess and kvi refuses to accept it). sua's with tyn so they spend a few more hours working out their relationship and catching up. kvi (thank god) wants to stay in their lives and support however he can. and he is so fucking sweet about it too, holding sbn's hand and rubbing his thumb over the back of it, being very mindful of sbn's space but obviously wanting to show affection too. kvi's a dream when sua comes back, playing with her a bit and treating her like spun glass. fast forward a bit and kvi stands strong on his words and provides support literally everywhere he can. he starts helping sbn pay for groceries and watches sua once he gets close enough with her to do that. he feeds her, naps with her, watches her, EVERYTHING. and while his relationship with sbn is still a bit tentative, he starts showing sbn that he wants to pursue him and that he still loves him. he's so sweet, in a way sbn's a little unused to after being on guard for so long. but kvi holds /him/ like he's spun glass and he doesn't know how to feel. he still forgets to feed himself and kvi always orders something before he can remember to begrudgingly drags himself to the kitchen to cook. he constantly feels like a trainwreck but kvi always tells him he looks like the most beautiful omega in the world. nothing makes sense and sbn feels like he can't relax but any time kvi touches him, he forgets all of his worries for those precious seconds. he's so touch starved and exhausted but he doesn't want to feel this weak around hueka. what if he leaves again? what if he only feels guilty and treats sbn this way because of sua? it's ridiculous that sbn even entertains these thoughts but he knows things don't always stay constant. but hueka proves him wrong each and every time and sbn can't help but start trusting him. i'm so sorry i cldn't add more to this but hueka would just be the best alpha ever and is just so sweet to sbn. UGH. i can't stop thinking about this thank you for sending me this 🥹🫶
omega pervs must be recognized me thinks
i'm so sorry for getting to this late but omg. YES. omegas sukai... so perverted and messy when they fuck, drooling all over themselves, and crying at how good it feels... 😞 they're seriously so cute, always trying new toys and new ideas and new positions 😵💫 love my pervs sukai so much, they fuck So nasty <3
most beautiful omega in the world and everyone should worship him
cw // object insertion, pap smear
i hope that wasn't a trigger 😖 because i have been thinking about sb doing one for a while now, and all i could think about was you and object insertion since i have only learned of it from you too aha
not really a fan of one personally, because thinking about it make my body freeze, but as a concept and not thinking of having me in the situation is quite compelling lol
a random section, i found this really good fansite who didn't edit/majorly does it (whitewash, smoothing, etc.) and i would want you to know of them too! it's !!!
also if it's not a bother, can i ask some bamsoober accounts? your last bamsoob twt made me think of them since and they have been holding my brain hostage lol thank you dolly!
omg i'm so sorry for getting to this so late but thank you for tw-ing!! it's kinda weird cause i DO have a fear of needles and blood and medical offices in general but i have an inspection and medical kink... 😭😭 i just feel like that power imbalance can be so yummy at times 😵💫 for me i've never seen object insertion with pap smears as much as speculums which i can only imagine are really painful and not sexy and uncomfortable irl but in THEORY... anyways here are my thoughts on it :)
cw // bp sbn, implied bp tyn, doctor hueka, medical kink, inspection, object insertion
sbn thinking something's wrong with him, crying because his little cunt keeps leaking so much at inappropriate times so tyn recommends him his gynecologist hueka... 😵💫 sbn starts leaking as he sees the handsome young doctor with the sweetest lilting voice snap his gloves on and guides him to lay down on the examination table, paper crinkling as he does so... hueka's probably younger than him, which makes sbn flush a bright red and start leaking even MORE... hueka doesn't make any note of it, gently nudging sbn's legs apart to inspect his throbbing cunt. he prods around, feeling everything once, humming to himself and then all the stimulation is gone, everything so clinical and professional. hueka says there seems to be nothing wrong with sbn but he shakes his head and asks him to check again. kvi smiles politely and sbn doesn't notice the restrained edge it takes and agrees to check one more time. the second time, he lubes up a finger to run it over the opening of his hole lightly before pushing it in to feel up his walls. hueka pulls back away infuriatingly and tells sbn that he was right, there was something wrong, but he'll need something else to check exactly what it is. sbn lets out a sign of relief and watched kvi swap out his gloves from where he's propped up on his elbows, grabbing a small speculum. the sight of the metal item has sbn tensing, he's never been penetrated like that before. but kvi notices his nervousness and soothes him with a smile, saying that he'll make sure it's as painless as possible. by that, he means finger fucking sbn until he's well more than wet and stretched out enough for the object, sbn finds out. sbn also finds out that he may have developed a kink for this unfairly hot doctor and objects inside of him, because he cums as soon as the cool metal stretches him open <3
hurt/comfort sb centric fic! just hope you haven't read it yet lol (🍞)
do you have any no's for object insertion? because i have a bp sbn object insertion thought but doesn't want to possibly trigger you with mentioning the term even with cw (🍞)
hi bread! i've read around the object insertion tag quite a bit and i think i'm okay with most items? like household, food play, etc. the biggest no i have is something sharp or needle like (my phobia is needles LOL) but if you're worried, a cw would always be okay!! thank you for checking in on me 🥹🥰
i want to know your thoughts on æspa's latest cb! (🍞)
AHHH i haven't listened to the album yet but i LOVE wh!plash oh my god. it's SO impactful esp the lyrics and 2ning's part like WOW. the 아닌척하지 is SOOO cunt like oh my god. also the dance is so good and g!selle is so hot during her killing part genuinely. winter's tone when she sings "under pressure body sweating can you focus" is SO SATISFYING and so is k4rina's turn footwork into the chorus choreo like WHAT. her prechorus is also so good like omg. these girls are serving VOCALS. the mv was SO cool i loved that it was minimal compared to their other ones but the runway concept fit then so perfectly like wow. they're SO iconic. i love my girls.
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