Anonymous · 2y

actually wait another ziekscest thing I'm too scared to go yell at my one friend about this so you get it instead for now -

BAROK IN DGS2-5 REALIZING THAT HIS BROTHER WAS GAY BUT HE ALREADY HAD A BOYFRIEND. imagine him realizing that that entire time. that he was CLEARLY pining over klint. he already had a secret gay lover/bestie/whatever. barok just right there in the courtroom "..." having the most tragic gay realization and burst of post-humous jealousy in his life

After the end of DGS2-5 he absolutely found love letters between Klint and Genshin tbh, if he knew he would’ve asked to join in and probably would’ve gotten a yes. Klint’s will gets read out and Barok’s like “GODDAMNIT I DIDN’T HAVE TO PINE” lmao

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