lobster · 10mo

Mostly likely in book 3 manga we'll see a yuu who opposite of azul (like the two yuu's with riddle and Leona) so maybe someone is more confident in themselves making azul jealous or someone who insecure in way that parallels past azul making azul related to them or be uncomfortable with them.

TBH i would LOVE if it's the first one bcs like. can you imagine what we can work with that. azul blinded by his unwavering rage and grudges gritting his teeth at the sight of the magicless human 'effortlessly' working their way through nrc with so many people holding their hands out for yuu. how come he never gotten that? how come he had to climb up the ranks with his own two hands? so he tries to shake their foundation by taking the one thing that belonged to them in twst, ramshackle. toxic yuri.

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