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anon-san · 1y

i just finished watching crossroad anime. and koga is just too cute, no wonder rei fell in love harder

RIGHT???!!! Koga really is cute... I like to think Rei only fell in love with him during his third year - graduation, though... because during Crossroad Rei would have hated to have such a bright-eyed kouhai constantly following him around. It wasn't until his third year / Koga's second year that Rei really, truly saw just how Koga could be and that Koga wasn't gonna leave him no matter how many times Rei self sabotages or how many times he falls back down - Koga will always be there to make sure he gets back up again, stronger than before. With the added bonus of Rei finding comfort and a family within UNDEAD, I like to think that his 3rd year onwards is when Rei's feelings for Koga REALLY start to form <:) The memories he has of a cute puppy Koga is only his to remember fufu ~

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