🕊 ⦂ Evil Gay Noé .ᐟ · 16 answers · 26d

 5 ✦ 6﹒5﹒24
⟣ ' What's your favorite thing about your partner (or yume / f/o) .ᐣ '

eeeeveyrthing everything. i canr even. i would literally do anything fo rmy wife. we can literally ust send silly pictures all day and i will still sit here in love

erm they are the most perfect everything but specifically the way that they know exactly what i need all the time so i dont have to try to communicate in a diffeicult way

this is reminding me of a game i read about in a degen manga... OK but it's. kind of wholesome. if you take it out of the weirdo degen context...
ANYWAY uhm my favorite thing is probably how kind he is... and very supportive. and so nice. and just pleasant. im a visual thinker so i can't describe it very well but i CAN draw what i think about ihm... i wanna draw...

i like how passionate my boyfriend is about his interests it makes me happy,, i also think its cute how awkward it is like he sucks at talking to people but its ok cuz hes adorable

everything really, but especially how much she cares. i can tell that she genuinely cares about me and loves me and that makes me happy :]

⠀ He’s so devoted… I adore and treasure everything about him… I can’t decide one thing!

I can't pull seriously (I'm married to ppl as a joke) but my fav thing ab my platonic wives is their silliness :3c

my sweetheart is the number one cutie. ♡ i love all of her & it'll never change! ^_^

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