Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Incognito Ninja Β· 9mo

Evening kak August! It's been hard for me to open my retro.. yes it called progress right. But beside teaching, what things you like to do after? Yes.. I kinda like what I'm doing right now, one of it is.. reading your replies to me. IT'S Not terrible!! I've safe it. It's cute. Sci-movie? Oh its my first time hearing the movie's name. Do you like.. harry potter? Cause I love it alot! Gimbap.. is it like bibimbap or different? My favorite is ramen! How was your day Kak August? Is there anything good happened today? I wish the 🐝 treats you well! Cause I poured a lot of happinss on them, and alsot to protect your day 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

Good evening to you too, D. Sorry for the late reply, I was preoccupied with something.. is that so? I hope you're not forcing yourself. It is! I like a lot of things, but most of all, I like to play games. They're like my only way to relieve stress. What about you, any hobby you like doing? I am glad.. sorry if I talk too much, I sometimes don't know when to shut up. You did?!? πŸ₯²πŸ’” so adorable. Yes, yes, science fiction or historical fiction, I like them both. I do! That's nice. I'm actually obsessed with Harry Potter. What is your Hogwarts house? A tad bit different.. Gimbap is like a sushi roll, but I do like bibimbap too. What kind of ramen, spicy ramen?

My day ended with a great note. Nothing notable happened today, just having fun with all of my friends being so active on timeline because of the soccer. I am not interested though.

The bees did treat me well! How are you so adorable, I have this severe case of wanting to chew anything that's cute. What if I chew you?! Thank you for the bees.. 🐝🐝🐝 please never hesitate to comeback again, bees!

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