Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Spy · 7mo

Geez....I was reading your story and it was going soo well I have been reading it being so invested and was praising you constantly but now it's just becoming more stupid and stupid like seriously? Without even knowing jk well and his reason taehyung is being THIS pathetic? Dammit! he even slept and kiss him??you are making this story so pathetic I was expecting something good but nvm byyy Imma un-Bookmark it now it's stupid

My characters are strong and Jungkook made love to Taehyung but did I ever tell that Taehyung love Jungkook, he was just sexually frustrated and hence did the deed , did I even tell you that Taehyung forgive Jungkook, and if you dont wanna read then don't , I am not forcing you to read it am I ?? And for me my Taehyung's character is very strong , stop judging before completing the book 😭😭😭

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