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Spy · 7mo

Okay, so when he says there was no sex but if they were in a relationship, was there no kissing as well or other intimate things. For her to initiate, she would have done at least a few of those right. So that is not cheating? And he was in a relationship, which was fake only according to Jungkook and no one else. If he realised about Taehyung way before meeting him, why dint he even know his name? At this point all Jungkook is doing is pushing the blame on others instead of accepting his faults. His father forced him but he still chose to do those. I am hoping Taehyung is not a fool to accept this explanation. Jungkook has ultimately broken his trust.

Yaa because Jungkook clarified to her before only that their would be no kissing no hugging nothing in their relationship, only sex because jk didn't love her. And no he didn't realise it all before marrying Taehyung, he did it after , he was spying/ stalking Taehyung, he was watching Taehyung's activities 24x7 and trust me Jungkook is telling truth here and in the next chapter you'll know why jk did what he did , why does he fear mr.jeon so much , you'll know all of it , jst have some patience darling. Trust me Jungkook didn't cheat

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