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babywhore · 1y

I'm not sure if I'm attracted to girls who like to take the control or if i want to take control of pretty girls. It's just that i have daddy issues so i crave being babied but I'm also grown into being the one taking care of everyone because nobody took care of me. I'm so confused what do i do :(((( idk what I'm meant to be :(

youre me i am u! if you feel that way, theres a chance you prolly like both. i felt like that for a while too bc since im into men too(idk if its only in imaginations?) and i cant imagine me subbing for a man. but girls, agh its just i'll do wjat ever u want me to do, you want me to beg i will, you want me to dom u, be a brat, or tame you? anything for u. i cant help but project, i have that tendency too, being too caring and its like im emotionally constipated and being babied makes me feel weird bc i was never babied. so its understandable to feel that way and ik its confusing. in normal general context, getting babied, and babying goes both ways no? in sexual context tho, you gota ✨️explore✨️ until then we only have our imaginations. or agh you could not be a virgin, look at me talking like u are a virgin too. but then AGAIN, even if youre not a virgin, the ✨️explore✨️ part still applies! ✨️explore explore✨️

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