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anon · 5mo

hi! Found out about your account last month and your hybrid jds are absolutely gorgerous, have a great day

thank you for supporting my work! 🥺 hopefully i’ll be able to draw them again soon

anon · 5mo

definitely! while ensuring that they’re separate entities from jd, i do like to have a little piece of him in every hybriddae. batdae is a big movie fan, so that’s likely what he’d scrapbook about! late night sessions snacking on fruit, journaling about the new vampire movie he’s obsessed with 🦇

anon · 5mo

are you the sort of artist who listens to things/watches things when you do art? if so what?

definitely,, i can’t work on anything without background noise. usually i just let youtube run in the background.. mainly game grumps videos lmao.
i need to be in the right mood to listen to music, but when i am, i tend to lean into whole albums rather than shuffled playlists! the gromble is my go-to 9/10 times

anon · 5mo

oooh which hybriddae would run a coffee shop? which one a stationary YouTube (only hands seen on camera)?

beedae feels like a great candidate for a coffee shop! lots of honey-flavoured goodies 🐝
as for youtube— likely batdae. he’s a little nerdy hoarder with lots of things to show off.. i could see him making a lot of scrapbooking content while he stays up late ;w;

anon · 5mo

Which different hybriddaes would take each of the Jongdae selfies we've gotten?

they’re all foxdae coded 😔 the pout and fluffy hair.. exudes the bestboy vibes

anon · 5mo

most flirty hybridae

probably lobsterdae?? he’s a little asshole in that sense.. particularly as one of the hybriddae’s with a less genuine personality.
peacockdae also comes to mind for flirty, but it’s more for self-fulfilment / digging for compliments, than actually pursuing someone.

anon · 5mo

Do you have any favorite ship including jd?

xiuchen for sure! NOTHING beats their bond‼️ i am also partial to some occasional chenchën + luchen though

anon · 5mo

Hi lay! What are you up to lately?

helloo! i haven’t been up to much since i feel ill in october. i have honestly really struggled to recover, and it’s affected my motivation for a lot of things. i’ve managed to pick up commissions on a separate account, so those have for sure kept me busy since the start of this year!
through everything though, i’m lucky to have such great friends to make me feel less lonely :>

anon · 5mo

Thinking about sheep dae spinning his own wool...

anon · 7mo

i was literally just thinking about this, but i am so excited for your next doll project i want to scream?? i won’t get another chen doll until then because i want my first one to be the best and you just make the best ones :(( and to think that it might be chën?? oh my GOD. oh my god. i am just geeked, and i want to say i appreciate your artwork and your merch so much!!

thank you so much, really! i’m excited to take on another project >< his design is giving me a bit of trouble.. but this coming year, i’d love to focus on making more merch things in general, if people are interested!

anon · 8mo

Do you sell any art prints by chance? I love your art so much.

anon · 9mo

Does it only work when minseok waters sunflower jongdae or it works with the others too?

anon · 9mo

any show or book you've really enjoyed lately? i feel like i'm bored 24/7 lmao

unfortunately i’m in the exact same situation :’) i haven’t had the patience to get into anything new over the past few months, so i’ve just been rewatching old let’s plays lmaoo

anon · 9mo

So did sunflower jongdae got minseok to water him at the end

anon · 9mo

Im not sure if u're the correct artist but did u draw different jongdae harry potter houses, coz i've been looking for that art for a while

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