Vivi · 4 answers · 1y

How do your OCs spend the holidays? Do they enjoy this time of year or do they dislike it?

Even if the atmosphere is a bit tense Jasmine tries to be with her parents in the holidays

Tina tends to be rather busy, so she hasn't spent the holidays properly in ages. She longs to, though. Her agent tries to find excuses to free her schedule so she can spend at least one afternoon with her parents but it isn't very successful.

Cedar and Nera had much happier childhoods by comparison! Their holidays were full of excitement and wonder, and every single one of their aunts and uncles did their part so that they would be smiling. They have fond memories of their holidays.

Even though she prefers Halloween, Mary can still be quite festive for the pokemon equivalent of Christmas. Decorating the house, baking cookies with the kids and singing holiday songs.

Kingston: probably enjoys the holidays bc he has to use his paid leave anyway (but he also likes spending time w the people he cares about :')
Ruth: gets a bit depressed during holiday season (bc its so family focused and she feels like she doesn't have one asdhf) but she tries to focus on her pokemon and getting them all lil gifts ;u; as well as getting gifts for the other aether foundation people like wicke/lusamine. Later on when she makes more friends like Lindow (and Judgement) she tries to get them to do holiday stuff with her.

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