Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3d

you mentioned how you find it cute that he's so desperate to be all macho, and tagging it to some of the other asks that bring up him cumming, don't you think it'd be funny if he wasn't able to? Like, let's say he gets in a locker room circle jerk with his classmates and he ends up being the only one dry? XD

That does sound funny lol keep enabling the " 'Macho man' Manny sucks at puberty " propaganda I enjoy it thoroughly

Ya'll really want me to draw some of the background characters alright I'll try, and based off of the soccer ep one has spoke so fondly of. ( I know that I've complimented/accepted many ideas sorry for drawing once a month it will happen again)
Blonde boy / Guero is a qt

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