Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon frog · 1y

I have been a fan of your style since right before your underground rapper Au and I am sad to see you go but I understand and you should do what makes you feel comfortable. I sincerely thank you for all of your fics and for keeping them on Ao3 for us to enjoy now and in the future. I am also part of your patreon and was wondering what you will be doing with all of your beautiful art? Will you be moving them to Twitter or will they be gone once the patreon is closed? Thank you and take care!

thank you so much for understanding, and for being here for so long!! as for the art, a lot of it i never saw fit to upload to twt because it wasnt spicy stuff, but if you ever want the art, you can dm me and I can send it to you! patreon wont be closing, i just wont be posting to those tiers anymore, so nothing will be lost if there is anything you want ;-;

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