Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon frog · 1y

As an older army who has been with BTS since the beginning I understand you completely. Being a fan is supposed to be fun and not feel like a job with all the streaming and keeping up with all the content they put out, that is just unhealthy and can worsen the parasocial relationship. There is no one right way to be a fan and never let anyone tell you that you are not an army if you don't like every song or don't watch everything they release, liking them on your own terms is enough <3

thank you for knowing exactly where i am coming from with what im doing, it makes me really happy ;-; yes, they absolutely know the sort of content to put out that makes it worse, so stepping back has been so helpful for the mind! i will always be a fan but im ready to be chill with it! thank you very much for this <3

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