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Anonymous Coward · 8mo

what’s ur fav thing to draw

the general answer to this would be hair and flowers, even though i don't think i'm super good at doing those. but the more specific one would be characters i like, especially the couples, being all lovey-dovey, their loving expressions and interactions. sometimes i also like adding some details or references people might not know, see or understand, but they're meant mostly for myself so it's enough that I know they're there

Anonymous Coward · 2y

what's your comfort food? :)

this is gonna be super boring bc when i seek comfort in food i usually like bland stuff. that said.. i really like just plain pasta with salt and butter. it can be any kind of pasta. there are other foods i absolutely love that are not as easy to make so this one is my go-to 😂

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Your art is cute. What’s your favorite thing to draw? Favorite fandom?

aw thank you!! 🥺💖💖 I LOVE drawing super tender and loving couples, flowers and detailed outfits (specially kimono). At the moment I'm still into MDZS. It's my first fandom!! I've never really drawn so much of the same thing for such a long time kjhdfkj

Anonymous Coward · 2y

faltam 7 dias p te veeeeeer kunogiiiiii
;A; ♥

Anonymous Coward · 2y

hello kunyagi

ko! · 2y

kunyagi show us a preview of a current wip? pls 👁

ko! · 2y

whats your favorite expression in portuguese?:0

oh my god there are so many!! the most common is "cara", which just means like "dude", but here we use it A LOT at the start of a sentence or anywhere, really. we say it a lot. I also love "deu bom/deu ruim". they're used to say when something went right or wrong respectively. "deu" is the past tense of "dar", which is give but don't worry about it. "bom" means good and "ruim" means bad. so if something went ok, it "deu bom"! skjdhfkj (this was harder to explain than i thought)

ko! · 2y

i love u!!!!!💕💞 what was your dream job as a child?:0

i love u too bb 😳💖💖💖💖 I'm really not sure, actually!! I think i've thought abt being a teacher or something like that at some point, but i feel like i've always wanted to do smth related to drawing 🤔

niccoguedes · 2y

Top 5 things you enjoy drawing but it's not so obvious to others?

i'm not sure if these are obvious or not, but..
in no particular order:
1- detailed illustrations! (it's been a while..)
2- frills :>
3- hands
4- horns
5- animal ears

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Miss you <3 -hazé

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I dont know if you have already talked about it but how did you get into art/how did you learn it?

I'm not really sure I have, but if I did, here we go again :'D
So it wasn't like a super grounbreaking think, i was just a kid who liked to draw and had parents that actually supported and encouraged me to continue. I joined drawing classes as a teen and I've always love anime and manga, which made me wanna draw even more. And when I got to the age when i had to decide what to do, I chose to study graphic design (the closest-but-not-so-much thing to drawing that we had here). I kinda ditched design a bit and chose to just focus on illustration tho skjdfhk and here I am!

ko! · 2y

whats your favorite soda flavor!! or brand? are there any popular brazilian sodas?:0

I actually don't drink sodas or any type of carbonated drinks! the most popular are the standard ones like coke, but we do have a very interesting one called Guaraná Jesus, has a beautiful and radioactive pink color asjkdhf

Anonymous Coward · 2y

hiii as someone new to this fandom would you pls tell me a good way of making friends here?

hi!! I think the most important things are: 1- find people who you share interests with!; 2- interact with them! comment on their stuff, always be nice and don't be afraid of not getting an answer. You have to be patient and never stop trying, but also not force friendships with people, let it happen naturally :> ; and 3- be yourself! i'm sure you're gonna find some very nice people around here

ko! · 2y

kunogi stream when

Anonymous Coward · 2y

A trope that you can't stop thinking about? 👀

ahh modern AU mutual pining, the one they're both in love with each other but believe the other doesn't love them back! the right amount of angst for my little fragile heart

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