anon · 4mo

hello!! i was wondering if you had any particular tips for someone who gets really frustrated with their own art a lot??

heyoo! it really depends on what it is youre struggling with tbh (youre free to dm me or send another ask detailing what it is if youd like, then i can try give some more specific tips!) but generally speaking, i find studying peoples art very useful and enjoyable! remember that other artists are not your competition but your peers and learn from them :3
besides that doing something different than usual can help with motivation (going somewhere youve never been before, or using a new program for example) - i personally also recommend a traditional sketchbook at your desk at all times if you do a lot of digital work
its much easier to doodle smth mindlessly i between games or videos in a sketchbook than on my tablet i found
hope some of this helps! :3 a lot of it is just mindset shift as well

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