Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 7mo

your sett ez urinal piece has been burned into my retinas by now it might be my favorite work of yours!! Got me thinking about ez trying to snap out of his shock thinking “oh it’s the beast man that’s the only reason why…” and looking to his other side where Phel is- only to find that Phel is even longer if not as thick as sett. It takes all of ez’s restraint to not run out of there or reach for one (or both) of theirs

eheheh thank you thank you im glad you enjoy so much 👀🫰
also perfect for phel to bust his lil bubble - i think hed probably make a run for it the first time around LMAO but i bet he cant stop himself peeking all embarrassed from there on out, always beet red as soon as one of the other guys comes in

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