Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

diva · 6mo

same I hate gjhm it was already illogical and dull to me but I just ignore them because they’re just there with 0 canon material. It’s only when the ‘translator’ and her mean girl homophobic clique pops up that I mass reported them all and blocked them. Have some maturity and sense to not attack real life actual women and hate on LGBTQ like goddamn. Crazy bunch

like i don’t even care about the fact that they ship gjhm at all💀
they think that people are upset because they like a m/f pair when in reality, my issues and the one of many other people is that they are harassing queer people for being queer and liking queer ships, like you can’t tell me it’s not personal if you literally change a translation because you are uncomfortable with homosexual people in general and have openly homophobic friends

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