Anonymous Coward · 5mo

uhhhhh thoughts on rose

i love rose so much can you tell from my rose pfps on several accounts. i wish fandom allowed her to be more of a mess because she categorically is one (affectionate). even in works where she isn't just playing davekat therapist her rougher edges tend to get sanded down which is such a shame bc they're what make her such a compelling character. people who call meat timeline rose ooc simply do not see the vision imo!! (or like. i think there are aspects of it that are iffy but the most common reasoning i see when ppl say this is like "she would never do that to kanaya" which. again i love her but she absolutely would.) i think in general fandom takes what rose says about herself at face value wayyy too much when 95% of it is demonstrably untrue. she would be a terrible therapist, her mother was not an especially good parent, etc. and i think when male characters do similar things fandom is more willing to read into it bc ppl are more likely to want male characters to be three dimensional. and this makes them lose out on some of the most interesting characters in hs. sad!

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