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nootnoot · 1d

How many questions are in your inbox rn, and how do you pick which ones to answer? Is it just based on vibes

I’m not really comfortable saying how many 😅 but yea I answer on vibes pretty much, ofc I still try to get around to all of them eventually! ones that require thought out responses obv take longer and others I save as a special treat for when I have time to sit and write out something real steamy lol

nootnoot · 10d

saw egg Dazai and rhout abt mermaid chuuya getting his fishussy stuffed with eggs until his belly is swollen and he’s so heavy with them 🤤🤤🤤

Mermaid Chuuya so full with eggs that he can’t swim and just lays in the lapping waves on the sandy beach, rubbing his belly and then letting one hand trail upward to pinch and roll his sensitive nipples while the other goes lower to feel how swollen and hot his pussy is from the harsh treatment that he loves while getting filled, teasing his opening and dipping his fingers inside to pleasure himself after he’s been left all alone…sure hope some bandaged pirate doesn’t stumble upon him 👀

nootnoot · 11d

I like to think Aku would be the type to wear 1950’s swimsuits. When I saw Barbie’s iconic swimsuit in the movie, I couldn’t help but think how good Akutagawa would look like in one:D

OMG YES, the black and white one? give him a floppy sun hat and 3 tubs of sunscreen then lay him out on the beach, he’s be such a pretty little doll

nootnoot · 10d

beastzai and canonzai need to have a squirting contest

nootnoot · 8d

ok but dazai definitely reverts back to his demon prodigy attitude when hes on his period

nootnoot · 3d

What happened between u, Aly, and Ceres?

nootnoot · 2d

How often do you check this

usually pretty frequent, but I’ve been very busy lately! msgs tend to pile up 😅

nootnoot · 2d

Lars you seem very sweet and i admire your writing but i've been in this fandom for awhile and it seems like anytime there is any drama you are some how involved either directly or indirectly. Maybe it's by no fault of your own but i will be honest it makes me question if you are trustworthy or genuine. Maybe it's just the people you surround yourself with but I would recommend self reflecting and i mean this in the nicest way possible!

I’m sure you mean well with this msg, but if I wanted advice from ppl on the internet I have more than enough lovely friends to ask, thank you tho!

nootnoot · 10d

skk pledging on never having sex at dazai's place bcs chuuya had him screaming bloody murder that not only did the entire dorm hear him, some of them even thought that he was legitimately in danger and.... yeah.

ADA members bursting into his dorm and catching them in the filthiest positions: Chuuys being fucked upsidedown over the bed, Dazai stuffed with so many toys it has to be a health hazard, there’s cum and lube on EVERYTHING, once Dazai was hanging from the ceiling (and not in his usual way)

Kunikida can’t keep doing this…

nootnoot · 6d

I need beast Dazai deep in canon Aku’s pussy(or beast lol)

Beastzai would fuck both those brats into submission without breaking a sweat, he’d have canon Aku crawling around like a dog on a leash, rutting his wet pussy against Dazai’s leg while he pounds beast Aku over his desk and whispers in his ear how bad he is at taking his cock and why can’t he be as sweet as his little sister, she was so much better

nootnoot · 5d

Skk having a regular date out and someone goes "nice top!" to dazai and hes like "thankss :3 he's a bit short though" and chuuya is so so ready to kill him

nootnoot · 10d

what if beast sskk and canon sskk have a foursome 😳

IVE WRITTEN THIS SO MANY TIMES IN MY SERVER YOU DONT EVEN KNOW, in my head both atsushi’s would hate each other on sight and need to fight for dominance before ultimately canon atsushi would pin down beast atsushi all bloody and snarling and mount his insane bitchass, while beast aku is fingering himself watching and canon aku is acting like he’s above it all but still rubbing his thighs together because he’s so turned on

Eventually once the tigers are done and beast atsushi is leaking cum and half feral, they all gang up on canon aku because he needs to be put in his place and well it only gets bloodier from there

nootnoot · 10d

Chuuya and Aku need to rub pussies

THEY SURE AF DO, Chuuya would praise Aku so well, calling him a good boy while he grinds in his lap, while his nail dig into Aku’s thighs until they both cum but refuse to stop, letting the oversensitivity send them into orgasm after orgasm, then after they’re through Chuuya would run they both a bath and wash Aku’s hair and body so gently, and after their bath in turn Aku would braid Chuuya’s hair (like he learned to do for Gin) nuzzling his neck like a kitten all sleepy and warm…sorry this got soft lmao

nootnoot · 11d

I just need canon Aku and beast Aku to bump coochies man

REAL, the two most hesitant virgins on earth but once they get going they can’t stop, rutting against each other desperately, both soaked between their legs and whining for more, aching because they’re so empty but don’t understand what they need

nootnoot · 13d

Dazai crying and moaning as all his holes are stuffed, his belly big and round it so full but he can’t stop grinding down on the tentacles pumping in and out of him, cumming over and over while Chuuya praises him for being such a good little mate, that he’s glad he didn’t eat him because this is so much better and look how pretty he is all full to bursting with Chuuya’s eggs

And then after Chuuya has had enough, he helps Dazai push them out, watching him squirt around each one because the feeling is too much for his spent oversensitive body and despite how the stretch burns it also feels so so good

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