Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 2mo

So I recently remembered an acc that I know you'd like, and I saved a multitude of posts that I think you'd like based on what you've said on here and twitter. BuuUUuUt, I probably don't have to ask, I'm doing it anyway; is it ok if I send those posts to you via twitter dm? Asking because the posts are nsfw and freaky ash- I don't wanna jumpscare you lmao

YAAAAA my dms should be open but i will warn anyone that tries to message me on twt that i either do not get pings with messages on here or that i plainly forget to reply (you can bump me if that’s the case!) my dms should be open for anyone i believe or at the very least my mutuals :,3 thank you for asking!

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